Just a guy with an affinity for entertainment! I also do a bit of voice acting these days as well.

Age 35, Male

Voice Actor

New Jersey

Joined on 12/8/12

Exp Points:
10 / 20
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
1.50 votes
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> 100,000
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11m 29d

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Hey Newgrounds!

It's been a long time since my last post here, but I feel there couldn't be a better time to make one than now!

So, close to two years ago I posted my voice acting demo reel here in hopes of connecting and working with some of the finest illustrators, animators, and filmmakers that contribute to the rich collection of media here on a daily basis.

Fortunately, there is a plethora here of fellow voice actors who are immensely talented at what they do. When it comes to finding someone to voice a character, I'm sure it's not very hard to pick from just a handful of the many excellent voice artists that fulfill their needs without having to wade through a seemingly endless list of demos, regardless of how great they are.

I completely understand that at some point, these things have to get made, and when all of the right elements are in place (such as the right voice for a certain character), they are!

I was contacted at one juncture to work on an animation that was intended to be submitted to the portal in which I voiced every character, which was a hell of challenge (but EXTREMELY fun regardless). However, the artist was unable to finish it due to techincal complications with his hardware. It was definitely a bit of a bummer, but I'm incredibly thankful for the experience and, who knows, perhaps one day he'll be able to complete it for the rest of you to see!  

For some time after that, the requests to audition for a role in any kind of animation weren't too frequent. I was offered roles for some promising machinima projects that I'm guilty for not responding to in time by the time production began. However, despite their potential, a few of them didn't seem to pan out after all.

Then, one day, I was contacted by one of the most amiable, understanding, and multi talented collaborators I've had the utmost pleasure in working with. Over the past week, you may have come to know him as "BuriedAntenna" on P-Bot's Top Daily Submissions, aka, Mr. Phil McDermott.

To me, he's a bonafide Renaissance man that has given me the tremendous opportunity to breathe life into a fascinating character inhabiting an equally fascinating world in his captivating motion comic series "ARCIS: Sevetrin Descent".

Phil had initially PMed me with a description of what he was looking for when it came to the voice of Waren Leffler (the protagonist of ARCIS) in addition to how he thought my voice could fit the character very well after listening to my demo. Upon watching the first five episodes he linked me to in that same message, I was floored by everything in each installment: the writing, visuals, audio, and editing made for an engaging viewing experience that really sold Arcis as an atmospheric place you couldn't help but want to know more about.

As soon as time permitted, I got in front of the microphone eagerly and recorded a sample bit of dialogue for him. Phil liked it enough, but had the concern that it sounded too youthful for the character. Without a moment's hesitation after receiving that response, I recorded another take, sounding five years older complete with a raspier delivery.

Fortunately, Phil happened to like it and offered me the role!

As they say, the rest is history.

I just want to thank all of you who have viewed and supported Phil's creation. I knew I wouldn't be the only one who saw the appeal of Arcis all of those months ago. Based on all of the positive reviews and kind words offered for each episode that debuted here over the past week, I was right!